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EPS January 2024

EPS January 2024Supplementary methods: Computational modelling Computational-modellingDownload Supplementary Figures: Distributions of error variance proportions of behavioural performance estimated for different sample sizes using synthetic data (calculated using behavioural measures from the joint model). References [1] Freyer, T., Valerius, G., Kuelz, A.-K., Speck, O., Glauche, V., Hull, M., & Voderholzer, U. (2009). Test–retest reliability of event-related…

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New paper out now! Systematic validation of an automated thalamic parcellation technique using anatomical data at 3T

Systematic validation of an automated thalamic parcellation technique using anatomical data at 3T. My new paper “Systematic validation of an automated thalamic parcellation technique using anatomical data at 3T.”, is out now in NeuroImage! The paper can be accessed here: Abstract The thalamus is a brain region formed from functionally distinct nuclei, which contribute in important…

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New paper out now! Dissociable roles for the striatal cholinergic system in different flexibility contexts

Dissociable roles for the striatal cholinergic system in different flexibility contexts My new paper “Dissociable roles for the striatal cholinergic system in different flexibility contexts”, is out now in IBRO Neuroscience Reports! The paper can be accessed here: Abstract The production of behavioural flexibility requires the coordination and integration of information from across the…

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New paper out now! pyfMRIqc: A Software Package for Raw fMRI Data Quality Assurance

pyfMRIqc: A Software Package for Raw fMRI Data Quality Assurance My new paper “pyfMRIqc: A Software Package for Raw fMRI Data Quality Assurance”, is out now in the Journal of Open Research Software! Co-authored with my friend and colleague, Michael Lindner, this software metapaper describes pyfMRIqc and its usage. The paper can be accessed here:…

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Creating anatomical masks with Freesurfer

Introduction Recently, I have been investigating different methodologies for creating anatomical masks for fMRI data analysis. Several techniques exist within the neuroimaging literature for segmenting the brain. Techniques for segmenting my region of interest (namely, the nuclei of the thalamus) shall be described briefly in this post, and I will also explain in more detail…

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